Saturday, January 3, 2009

Best Man Ever!

Dave, aka, BME was born 40 years ago! His birthday was celebrated among all the hustle and bustle of Christmas Eve! However, I have done all these birthday tributes all this year and would be very negligent if I ignored his just because it is thrown in amongst the BUSIEST TIME OF YEAR!

So without further ado. I present to you "Ode to Dave"

Dave is a catch!
Dave is a find!
Without his contacts
He is blind!
I did not know
I could not tell
Having him for a husband
Would be more than swell!
Many called him quiet
And some thought him shy?
They looked at social Kelli
and then asked her Why?
He cooks the dinner
Does the dishes!
He cleans the toilets
Whenever I wishes!
To save the earth
He rides his bike!
Twenty-one miles!
In the dark I don't like!
He rarely complains
He sometimes pouts
He often annoys
And almost never shouts!
On those rare occasions
when we actually fight
He usually always tells me
He's sorry and I'm right.
My boys were truly blessed
To get him for a DAD!
A more amazing father
Is rarely ever had!
He makes me laugh
He makes me smile
He holds and comforts
When life hurts for a while.
He is not perfect
Don't get me wrong!
His love for the U
Is way too strong!
His stubborn streak
Is a mile wide!
His fear of spiders
Makes him run and hide!
His faith is strong
His heart pure gold!
And now my sweetie
Is really, really old!


Brenny said...

That was awesome! Happy birthday, Dave!

Todd and Melissa said...

Love the "ode"! Happy belated Birthday Dave!