Sunday, October 19, 2008

This I Believe. The Plan of Salvation. Part II

So a few weeks ago I went through some of the Plan of Happiness that our loving Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ have implemented for us. We didn't get very far in this chart did we? We only got up to the end of earth life.It is interesting because we sometimes start feeling that earth life is all encompassing, all consuming and yet look how much more there is to experience. We just have to do our part in all the areas! We have all passed off the first circle (good for you everyone!) and are now valiantly slogging our way through the second circle. This life is just a small part of this great plan. The next part of the plan is the end of our earth life. We call that death. I know that when we die our spirits are separated from our bodies for a season. Our bodies become hollow shells and are put aside until resurrection morning. Our spirits go on to the next circle (I mean on the diagram not some existential strange definition of "circle") The Spirit World. When Christ comes again we will be reunited with our bodies in the same manner that He was after the crucifixion. After this resurrection we will be judged and will be assigned to the kingdom to which we have become worthy during all our previous experiences. That is the briefest possible sketch of that I believe will happen after Earth life. It is not all encompassing or even thorough but it is just a taste of the things that I have learned. Since this is not an actual Sunday School lesson (I know that surprises you, right?) but rather my personal blog with my own personal views, I would like to tell you about what I personally know.
I know as well as I know that my kids are all tucked in their beds tonight, that our spirits go on after death. This IS NOT the end. The Spirit World is real! We will see each other again in the next world and I rejoice and find comfort in that knowledge. I know that the Spirit World is close and that those on the other side are absolutely aware of us and love us with a love even more powerful than they did when they were here. I know that it is a glorious place where many important works are constantly happening. Included in these are missionary work, temple work and being guardian angels. Isn't it interesting that those three things are also what we should be practicing while we are here on earth. II am so grateful for our Heavenly Father for creating this beautiful plan and am grateful to my Savior who was willing to implement the plan in the most personal and also universal way. I am truly blessed to have a knowledge of this glorious plan!


Robin Fisher said...

I love being able to use the Plan of Salvation to teach the "WHY" to my kids. It works for SO many things.

A. said...

I loved "I know as surely as I know my kids are tucked up safely in their beds..." Very poetic and very true.