Tuesday, August 19, 2008


What do you see?

Do you see the young lady first?
How about the man playing the saxophone?
Can you see both?
I love these types of drawings that show 2 things at the same time.
I am always curious as to which one people see first.

Looking at one picture and having 2 people seeing 2 different things is a lot more fun than experiencing one thing and having 2 people see 2 different things! What we "see" all depends on our experiences, our pasts, our perspectives and our beliefs and attitudes.

Nobody sees things exactly the way I do. There have been times in my life that I think that someone is wrong because they do not see things the same or "right" way. I have also had people tell me that I am wrong for the sole reason that I do not agree with them. It is only their opinion. It is only my opinion. Why are we not able to accept it and not have our feelings hurt.

You are so wrong to not see the girl first and the saxophone player second! That sounds so silly and yet... "You are so wrong that you don't see this the way I do!" That sounds rational. Right?

What is the difference between these two towers?

It looks like the one on the right is tilted at a higher angle. It is not. They are identical! Try covering one up and then the other. They are the same picture but because the one on the right is next to a more concrete border it looks like it tips further. Amazing isn't it. They are the same but according to our eyes they should be different. They look different because of where the picture is situated. Hmmm.
It all depends on the angle!
Age and experience has made me realize that all those things my parents said were true though at the time I could only see it from my perspective. It makes me wonder what the picture of my life will look like in another 30 years!


Jacqui said...

I saw the sax player first.

Thanks, that's a good reminder that Kraig doesn't always have to see things the way that I do to be right:)

Brenny said...

I saw the saxophone player first, too.

It actually drives me nuts when people make it seem like there is only one way to do or see things -- their way! It probably annoys me because I do it, but whatever. It is a good reminder -- Thanks!

Vickers Family said...

Your Blog is always so fun! Thanks for always checking in on my blog I love hearing from you! tell your family I said hi. We really do love you guys! Sara just started a blog it is called arringtonfarm.blogspot.com not alot on it yet but thought you would want to know. Love- amanda

Angie said...

I saw the saxophone player first. Perspective is an amazing thing. We can't ever be sure of what another person is thinking or how they might react to something - always a surprise.

Todd and Melissa said...

I totally saw the sax player first, but immediately after the girl. So weird!