Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Diagnosis is.... Pockdipy!

Here are the circumstances:

First I have a crazy sister, Tricia, who invites me to go to lunch with her (that isn't the crazy part) and we have a good time or so I think. Then she proceeds to call my mom and tell her that she thinks that I am depressed. Her reasoning. "Kelli didn't laugh very much at lunch" WHAT? (That is the crazy part!)
Tricia then calls me later to see if mom has called and questioned me yet. Apparently not only did she tell mom I am severely depressed but she also told her that she thought they should schedule an intervention on my behalf. Tricia and I had a good laugh about what a nut Tricia really has become!

I then decided that I should probably call Mom and reassure her that I didn't need to be put on suicide watch for goodness sakes! But before I got a word in (besides hello) Mom passed the phone to Alli, so I tell her what Tricia did! We had a good laugh about our crazy sister.
Now Alli happens to be a therapist for those of you who don't know. It is important that you know that so she doesn't come across any wackier than she really is!

The story goes on... I talked to Mom through Alli for a minute and well... let me just quote the conversation.

Mom "Ask Kelli if she got a hold of Gene Done? (A scout guy that I need to get a hold of for jamboree)

Alli "Kelli, Mom wants to know if you got a hold of Geodon?" "Wait, why do you need Geodon?"

(I have no chance to answer)

Alli "Mom, why does Kelli need a really powerful anti-psychotic drug? What is going on?"

Good grief people. One sister thinks I am depressed and the other thinks I am severely psychotic!

So after talking to Alli for a while and really exploring my inner self she has helped me to realize that I am.....

a phobic obsessive compulsive who is slightly depressed with physchotic tendencies! Call me POCDPY! Pockdipy! You see I am afraid of heights, being bossy and being a wimp (Phobic). I do the same things every day (OCD). I get sad (depressed) and I hear voices saying the same thing over and over and over. (Mom. Mom? Mom! Mommmm!) So I am POCDP! I am not stable! But it is nice to know that I fit in nicely with my sisters!

Love you guys!

PS Note to self. Laugh more at lunch with Tricia!


Sheri said...

too funny! Thanks for the laugh! If you find the cure let me know!!

A. said...

I laughed a lot both during our conversation and reading this. Contrary to popular opinion I don't really go around diagnosing people!

Angie said...

Oh no.

I'm trying to figure out how much of this to take seriously...?

Kelli said...

Angie, No worries girl! The only part that you should take seriously is that my sister Tricia is crazy!

Anonymous said...

I just can't pass this one up. As the husband of Tricia I need to ask one question, Who needs the intervention more, the sibling's or the spouse? (Love you Tricia)

Kelli said...

Dear Husband of Tricia!

And who would know better than you! Poor man.

Jacqui said...

How could you not laugh a lot with those sisters of yours?

Alli, I think you should start charging for your time outside of work :)

Brenny said...


Anonymous said...

Kelli laughs when she is around me. I think the problem must be with Tricia. I am not saying I am funnier than Tricia, but What I am saying is I am funnier than Tricia.

Robin Fisher said...

Kelli, I hear little voices too. Right now it is saying, "Mom, can I have a cookie, can I have a cookie, can I have a cookie." It really is enough to make sane mommies go NUTS! I am glad you are normal.

Teacher Preacher said...

With all of your many following flock you should write a funny mothering book. I am sure that it would sell! However, I know that takes time of which you have very little right now. Another season. Love you, Mom
P.S. Sorry to hear about your illness. Hope your sisters can cure you even if it is a difficult case. At least the name sounds difficult.

Kim said...

Where were you all during my years of depression?! This is just the thing the doctor ordered!!!