Thursday, July 24, 2008

They sang and they walked. Or so I've heard.

Today is a holiday here in Utah!
It is Pioneer Day!
Days of '47!
Another day the scouts have to put up flags!
A good excuse to have fireworks!I love my pioneer ancestors and I really do consider them all pioneers.
Some were the actual covered wagon, handcart type and others were those that had the courage to change something in their lives to make themselves completely different than every generation before them.
Some changed religions, some changed continents, some changed the way they spelled their surnames to fit in their new country.
We are told that we are to be modern day pioneers.
"You don't have to push a handcart. Leave your family dear.
Or walk a thousand miles or more to be a pioneer.
You do have to have great courage.
Faith to conquer fear.
And work with might for a cause that's right
To be a pioneer."
I know many who have changed their lives dramatically from how things were done in the past. Some have joined the church, some have graduated from college, some have fulfilled missions, some have stopped the cycle of abuse, some have served in the military. Some have done their geneology, some have taken music lessons, some have learned to control their temper.
I am a pioneer in my family!
Nothing quite so noble.
I started a blog!
How are you a pioneer?


Jacqui said...

That took me a minute or two to get. Happy PIoneer day!

Brenny said...

That's right. It's Pioneer Day! Have a great day together as a family while the rest of us work. :) Today is definitely one things I miss about Utah...

Angie said...

The pictures are great! Happy Pioneer day.

Anonymous said...

I had a friend from an online game in Maine call it Coon-Skin Cap day because he thought it was a funny excuse for a holiday.

It was really good to see you and Dave yesterday, it's seriously one of my favorite days of the year, mostly because I know I'll at least see you guys that day.

Marilee said...

I left Utah to become a pioneer.
Love you Kelli

Kelli said...

Mare, So true my brave friend.