So it happened. We had the
Chunky Challenge weigh in. It was a STRESSFUL day. So if you don't remember, the rules were this... everyone set a goal (except new mom Haley), if you don't make your goal someone else has to make up for your failure.
If we make our family goal we go on a cruise together. If we don't we get to be highlighted on this here blog as being failures. If you need more details go to the above link.
Needless to say that the day of the weigh in everyone was worried about making their goal. Some were hoping that B. Rad's computer would crash and all the stats would be lost forever. Others were hoping B. Rad would hit his head and would never remember he had started this ordeal.
Dave and I were so worried that we fasted that day (I don't know if we fasted for the blessing of making our goals or hoping that we would lose weight by not eating that day) Just teasing. Fasting was unrelated to the Chunky Challenge. We arrived at Mom's and Dave and I were convinced that we had gained weight that week!
Mom was also fasting and had been weighing herself every hour and was actually gaining weight as the day went on. She was worried.
Baby Ben was supposed to gain 8 lbs and Haley actually put weights in his pants to make sure he made his goal. (He did! Even without the weights.) Well B. Rad arrived (darn) and started demanding numbers from people. Mitch arrived and took a laxative! Talk about desperation!
Well someone finally decided that they were taking the official scale into the bathroom because they were stripping down to their birthday suit so they could make weight. GREAT IDEA! So everyone started weighing in NAKED (in the privacy of the bathroom of course!)
B. Rad was recording the weights and also making signs for us to hold up saying how much we had lost during the Chunky Challenge.
There were some who barely made their goal. Some who missed by a few pounds (hello to sisters and sisters-in law who never should have set such high goals when the only possible way to lose that much was remove a leg) and others who lost more than their goal.
So really the most important number would be the total pounds lost by us all. The family goal was 191 pounds. That was the number we were working towards.
So here is me. Horrible picture I know but my goal was 20lbs and as you can read I made my goal plus some. Great start although a lot more must be done. I was the 3rd biggest loser.
Here is my darling brother who was the second biggest loser. He looks so great. So much younger after losing over 35 lbs. He surpassed his goals of 30 lbs as well.
Here we have the Biggest Loser I am proud to say. Dave lost over 50 lbs. His goal was 32 so he rocked his goal and also saved the skinny girls who didn't quite make their goals. He looks great although now I complain that his clothes look horrible. He still wants to lose more before we go clothes shopping. But now we had to see the big total...
We did it! Swimsuit ready or not the Rencher family is going on a cruise!