Monday, September 13, 2010

Life without pictures.

I won't blog.
I lost my camera adapter so I can't download pictures.
I figure my life is already boring enough that if I post without pictures it will be unbearable to read about.
So instead here is my random question of the day.

I run a home.
I run to the store.
I run Sandy's business.
I run my kids to La Crosse, Soccer, scouts, friends houses and various other places.
I run errands.
I run the cub scout program in the primary.
I run the Reflections Contest for the PTA.

So here is the random question.

Why, may I ask, do my pants feel tight?


Sheri said...

lol!! I hear ya sista!! So when are we going to lunch?!

Julie said...

Maybe when you are taking kids to all their places/practices instead of driving you should put the kids on a dog sled and you could run pulling it. I should think that would be a pretty good work out.

Haley and Mitch said...

I love you, Kelli!

N8 said...

ummmmmm ... I'm assuming you meant "rhetorical" question of the day

Brenny said...

I have that same question! The question of the age, I tell you what.

Brenny said...

KELLI!!! I totally realized (thanks to Jenn's Blog) I've been spelling your last name wrong for YEARS! I am so sorry. Especially since I've been spelling it like a town in Wyoming... DOH!