I really appreciate the comments and numerous phone calls and text messages telling me in not so patient terms how much you are looking forward to the post of Day #2 of our trip.
Although the names you called me are not Mom approved.
I have a few things to say.
- First of all cutting down over 2000 pictures takes a little while.
- Second, you were on the trip. You can't possibly have forgotten everything already.
- Third, you can take my advice and get a blog of your own.
Love, Kelli
PS She didn't really call me bad names Mom.
PSS If you aren't nice to me I am honestly going to post the video of you singing "Yellow Submarine" while skipping around and scaring the poor elderly ladies into singing along! This is the preschool teacher in you. "So we sailed up to the sun"
Tricia: I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!
Little old lady: Oh, oh my, my blood pressure, my pace-maker, my...my...
Tricia: I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!
Little old lady: ....yellow...sub...mar...ine
You are so funny! I have been sitting here laughing as I read your blog. What a great memory for all of you...someday I would love to do that with my girls!!! I'm looking forward to your next installment...please don't call me names!!! Jan :-)
post the video!!!
post the video!!!
Your blog makes me so happy!
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