Thursday, June 11, 2009


Tonight I was going to go to bed early. I really was. Then I went upstairs and something smelled horrible. I discovered that Joe-Joe had thrown up in his bed. All over his blankets. Which he then apparently threw against the wall. And then out of the crib and onto the carpet down below. He literally stripped his bed down to the mattress. And then threw up again. So I discovered a room that was covered in vomit! So after 1 hour and 15 minutes of both Dave and I cleaning mattresses, blankets, sheets, walls, carpet, bed, pj's and a sad, pale little boy why would I be grateful? This is why.
I am grateful that I have a washer and dryer because if I didn't I would have just had to throw away an entire room full of bedding and clothes. You see I just changed the second load of laundry and the blankets all came out smelling wonderful and didn't have one piece of macaroni or watermelon left behind. I was so grateful that I took out one of my Clorox wipes (for which I am also grateful) and wiped down all the buttons and knobs and shined them up really nice. I think they felt the love. Now I will take the favorite fuzzy blanket upstairs and wrap it around my sweet, pale boy who is now asleep with a pan in his bed!
I hope you had a uneventful night!


Jacqui said...

Eww. I hate throw up, but not as much as Kraig. He always nearly tosses his cookies when the kids throw up.

I bet Joe was just trying to help you by stripping his own sheets :)

The Coolest Allen Family said...

That was one of my biggest fears when I first became a parent. I didn't think I would be able to do it. When it happened for the first time (it came out both ends of my sweet little girl) I was amazed at how well I handled it. Not my favorite (obviously) but I know now I won't die! Oh and I love those sanatizing wipes! They rock!

Haley and Mitch said...

Oh Kelly, what a fun way to spend your night. You are such a great mom.

Todd and Melissa said...

Can't wait for nights like these! :)

Angie said...

You've made me grateful that I don't have to deal with this stuff! :).

krissy said...

I feel your pain! We have all been there! I have one upstairs that just requested the "throw up bowl"! Don't worry, we do not serve any food in that one! Hope your little guy is feeling better and here's to hoping mine doesn't have a bad night! Love ya!