So for my birthday I sent Dave up to the Homestead with 2 of the boys. So that means I am sports chauffeur extraordinaire today. So fall is officially starting here at our house. We had...
- football weigh in at 7:30,
- Soccer practice at 9:00,
- Soccer game at 11:00,
- Football pictures at 1:00,
- Football scrimmage at 2:00,
- 2nd Football scrimmage at 3:00.
Oh, I also have a new color this fall.... Pink! Pink is for PTA! I went down to the school to meet and chat with the new principal and in the course of the conversation she asked me to be the PTA President! I was very firm (you would be proud) and said NO! That was a month ago. Since then I kept feeling guilty that we had no PTA! So one night in order to make myself feel better I said to myself..... Well if Cheryl (former president, Ward friend) would be my co-president, I would do it! STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! Literally 2 days later I get a phone call.... "Kelli, this is Cheryl. If I do this with you would you be the PTA President?" So Pink is for PTA. Enough said. Though one positive point is I told my little sister, Tricia, that since I was the President then she had to be on my executive committee. Membership Vice-President. HA-HA That made me happy.
I feel that I must share with you a few highlights of the wisdom that I have learned in the last 38 years! This of course is a very small representation of the vast amount of knowledge that I have accumulated in my short life span.
- Using big words in a sentence makes you sound really smart
- But only if you spell them right!
- Mom was right. Dishes are easier to do if you do them right after you eat!
- Dad was right. Making lists is a good way to remember everything when you go camping.
- Grandma Carter was right. Kissing is fun.
- Parents and Grandparents are smarter than I thought.
- Siblings are cooler to play with when you get older.
- Boys are smelly and messy and adorable. They do bring me the greatest joys and biggest stress.
- The church is true.
- My Dave is the most amazing man alive making me the luckiest woman.
- Laundry and Families are forever!
- Anything kids mess up in 10 minutes will take 4 hours to clean up.
- Laughing can make a lot of tense situations a little better.
I don't want to overwhelm you all at once and have anyone go into brain overload so I will sign off for now. Love you all.