What in the world is that smell?
- Suspect: Wet winter boots
- Suspect:Josh
- Case: unresolved, lack of evidence. although I was tempted to take fingerprints.
- Located:Downstairs in his dirty clothes basket. Also located missing slinky.
- Case: Still under investigation. Parent/Teacher conferences provided some clues.
Where is Aaron's cell phone?
- Facts: last seen Sunday at 4:00 pm in the family room before he left to the Stake Fireside.
- Suspects: The Younger Brothers
- Progress: I have interrogated Suspects. No success in breaking them until about 10 minutes ago.
Me: "What happened to it?"
Joe: "I took it and flushed it down the toilet."
Case solved. It only took 4 days to break him! Now I am going to break him again.
I guess Joe is getting Aaron a really nice gift this year.
I am just grateful all those hours of CSI are really paying off!