I am a snob in a field, literally a field. A baseball field.
I didn't realize I was a snob until lately. The fact is that some of the player are so petrified they won't swing. Ever. That isn't the bad part. I have had all my boys be that boy at some time or another. The bad part is the fans. You can't really say "Good eye" to a player who never even saw the ball coming! You could say "Way to stand there and not swing!" That would be more honest!
I was talking to Haley about her mom and it turns out her mom is a Sudoku snob. She will only do Office Max Sudoku books. Anything else is beneath her considerable Sudoku skills. So it got me wondering. Does everyone have a field of snobbery? Do you? I really want to know!
I'm kind of a snob with computer stuff here at work. Working with older folks who don't know much about computers makes me seem like a genius. I'm often shaking my head at the things they don't know how to do.
I'm a music snob (as in modern hits). I don't even listen to the radio as much as I used to, but I still seem to have an opinion about groups and genre's, etc. I like to tell people I'm open minded about different music (especially about country), but really I like what I like and just about everything else drives me bananas.
Family therapists versus other types of counselors. I can't imagine why :) Although my opinions have changed as I have come to discover that training and not degree is the most important factor.
I have no doubt I'm a snob about something, but I can't for the life of me figure out what. I have a feeling if I asked someone else, they would say, "Of course, you're a snob about ____!" It's probably far more clear to them!
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