Fall! The beautiful colors of the leaves changing, the crisp air that smells clean and feels sharper, the yellow school buses, the brightly colored soccer jerseys scampering all over every field in the city, football fans and tailgate parties and FALL TELEVISION. Yeah, so I warned you it was pathetic! I am actually looking forward to watching some shows and finding out what my favorite characters did over the summer! It is like reconnecting with old friends in a VERY one sided relationship. During the fall premieres I find that I watch a lot of shows, old ones and new ones, and then I eventually settle down to a few favorites. Here are my 3 categories for this fall. Once again you were warned this is pathetic.
"Old Shows that I Watch When I Can Catch Them"
I watch the first show and the last one and any that are recorded by the almighty TiVo when it is not busy recording the priority shows and then I try to figure out where everybody that I used to know went and what in the world is going on. Which oldies but goodies am I missing?CSI of any variety
ER (last season!)
"New to Me Shows That I am Intrigued By"
I will watch these for a few weeks and see if any of them hold my interest. Usually 1-2 will make the cut off list and move to the priority list for a while. Any of you have any others that should be added to this list or any votes as to which should make the cutoff?Chuck
The Mentalist
"Favorites That I Do Get a Bit Upset When Not Recorded"
So tell me what should be in this category that is not? Should any be removed?
The OfficeLost
Pushing Daisies
Eli Stone
Well there you go in all it's patheticness (not a word but should be). So, what are you watching?